Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Misdirected Human Resource Departments

A recent article in Smart Business “From HR nightmare to Competitive Advantage”  recommends giving a seat in the Executive Board Room to the top HR executive. Rationale, this department is so important to the future of the company. The rationale is right, but in most cases the selection of the top HR person is wrong.  Somehow, companies have been brainwashed that this person needs a Masters Degree in H.R. Couldn’t be further from the right thing to do. You can buy the knowledge you need to meet all the regulatory requirements the Federal and state governments have foisted on you… but that person is not the one to find you the next generation of movers and shakers and convince them to throw their lot in with your company. You need someone with a sales management background who understands how to seek, screen, select and sell the right people on accepting your challenge.  H.R. types are bound up in finding someone who meets all the detailed written requirements regardless of whether or not they are the person for the job… while overlooking people who really can do what is expected, but who do not meet a long list of “would like to haves”.
Robert O. Snelling, Sr., Job Coach   February 2011 vol.5. No. 11  page 6

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