Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Saturday, March 26, 2011

       What do you do that matters?
“Mr. Snelling, I feel I need to explain something about myself. I don’t really like to talk about myself of what I do at my jobs. I do things at work without wanting or needing a thank you or credit. I love my job. I say this because I have a hard time explaining this to people. I do most of my jobs without thinking and I do everything that needs to be done.” These are the actual words of a man who couldn’t tell me what he had done so I could write him a resume… and he is not alone. If you or a friend has this problem, answer the following question and in doing so you will find out why an employer pays you to come to work. Q. If you didn’t do what you do what would happen or not happen where you work? You may find there are some vital things that you do that would bring the company to a halt if they were not done by someone… from flipping burgers to getting the payroll checks out.
Robert O. Snelling, Sr. Job Coach

Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Five simple rules to clean up your resume & get it read!

1. Put the title of the job you are applying for at the top left of your resume. We read from left to right, top to bottom. Put your name on the same line at the right, same type font & size
2. Move the important (phone #'s if have Voice Mail & email address) contact information to the bottom of the page. It has nothing to do with anyone deciding to give you a call and nobody writes to you so eliminate the address
3.  Use a little color instead of headings. Make companies worked for and job titles in Blue to stand out.
4.  Eliminate all area titles like Summaries, Accomplishments, Experience, Education...  if they don't recognize these things do you really want to work for them?
5.  Keep to five one line bullets per company & use figures $'s, #'s & %'s to show accomplishments rather than a long list of job duties
Try it you'll like it. Keep the resume to one page. We put CEO's, CFO's, VP's, Presidents, et al on one page.

Bob Snelling

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Misdirected Human Resource Departments

A recent article in Smart Business “From HR nightmare to Competitive Advantage”  recommends giving a seat in the Executive Board Room to the top HR executive. Rationale, this department is so important to the future of the company. The rationale is right, but in most cases the selection of the top HR person is wrong.  Somehow, companies have been brainwashed that this person needs a Masters Degree in H.R. Couldn’t be further from the right thing to do. You can buy the knowledge you need to meet all the regulatory requirements the Federal and state governments have foisted on you… but that person is not the one to find you the next generation of movers and shakers and convince them to throw their lot in with your company. You need someone with a sales management background who understands how to seek, screen, select and sell the right people on accepting your challenge.  H.R. types are bound up in finding someone who meets all the detailed written requirements regardless of whether or not they are the person for the job… while overlooking people who really can do what is expected, but who do not meet a long list of “would like to haves”.
Robert O. Snelling, Sr., Job Coach   February 2011 vol.5. No. 11  page 6

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Everybody should have the right to a college education

 This is the cry of our President, B.O. in an effort to garner more votes. It is reminiscent of the wailing of the lone star President LBJ who was won’t to say, “everybody’s got to have meaningful employment!”  What the blue blazes does that mean? There are a lot of people who do not consider putting the bricks back in the sewers of NYC a meaningful job, but there are those who do it every day. What is so sacrosanct about a college degree? There are plumbers and carpenters and pipe fitters and firemen who make a lot more than most college grads.  Who is going to pave our roads, college grads? Who will repair our bridges and buildings, college grads? Fix our cars, refrigerators, type our correspondence, prepare our bills, flip our burgers and make our pizzas?  Instead of giving college tuition, what about a voucher that could be spent learning how to be an electrician or airplane mechanic or go to college. Some people are not cut out for college, the drop-out rate is tremendous. And what is wrong with people earning their higher education… work a year… then go to school, then work another year and go to school. By the way, people do this every day in the good old USA.
The cost of a college education is way out of line… and you can blame that on the professors unions (yep, they don’t call it that, but Tenure is a union ploy to keep up the pay & other costs and keep down the quality). The sales of text books alone is travesty made to a captive audience at prices that defy all rationality. B.O. wants as many young minds in those college seats as possible so the left leaning, liberal, anti-business mainly atheistic professors can brain wash them into accepting a socialistic society and government.  Take a look at this article and $30 billion spent by the Federal Government to send people to college.

Unemployment Comp Malingerers

Without a doubt you have met someone who is collecting unemployment compensation for 92 weeks, while you are working your bun buns off doing the work of two people. This is the greatest rip off of our times. UC was designed to help a person for a few weeks so they could look for a job full time and not have to take a part time job or a job way beneath what they were qualified for. Being employed would make it harder to look and go on interviews. 92 weeks, give me a break. If you haven’t found a suitable job in 6 weeks… I’ve got news for you … it doesn’t exist. No company in their right mind is going to hire an overpaid, feisty union auto worker and pay them anywhere near what they were making. It’s time for them to move on and take a new job and start a new career. This applies to many in all different fields. Lets put America to work and stop paying them to sit home, or moonlight.  Take a look at this article... these people are working, millions of them.
Robert O. Snelling, Sr. , Job Coach