Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Government ROI is it possible?

An email made the rounds this week. It pertained to saving gasoline or so it said. If we sent home 15 million illegal aliens that would be 15 million less people driving to work, to get a beer, to the post office to send money home. Now that’s a lot of gas to say nothing of the savings from less accidents after they got the beer… where none of them has insurance. But back to the question, can our government really get a Return On Investment where they spend our tax dollars? Usually they can’t unless they are paying a private service to supply telephone operators for a military installation. Protecting us is one of their few legitimate jobs… so this is a proper use of our tax dollars. Not sure, however, if there is a ROI involved, but let us look at one they could do. Insist that all unemployment compensation recipients and all able to work welfare recipients apply for work through private sector employment services, with the government paying when they found suitable employment for them. Employers would love it, since they would not have to pay a fee for hiring such persons and in time it would reduce the amount of UC taxes they would have to pay. The employment services would also love it since they would not have to charge the employer. And the job seekers would love the free help they would get in finding suitable employment. The  return on the investment could run into the hundreds of percents since the employment services would guarantee that the job would last or they would return 1% of their fee for any days worked under 100 i.e. work ten days, government gets back 90% of fee paid. An added benefit might be that some people who already had a job (no! you mean people really do that?) or didn’t want to work  would refuse the job and be taken off the rolls. Now why would any sane person not think that was a good investment of our tax dollars? I’ll bet you are trying to think of some “what if’s” right now… but there aren’t any since it has been done in the past with great success.

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