Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We keep having to ask clients “So What” when they tell us what they did for their employer. i.e. “Negotiated contracts with vendors”  Our questions start with, “what kind of vendors?” and then quickly go to “So What” did you save money, improve time of delivery?  What was the cash volume of the service or product?  Figures  lend an air of authenticity to a resume… not too many or too few. They are something the reader can wrap their mind around rather than vague generalities. Some say they never looked at their job in that manner… it’s time we all did… are we making or saving our company money and do they know it? 

Why does your employer keep you on and what value do you bring to the table?

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.  Job Coach

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