Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Fox News reported that a Judge in NY threw out a firefighters test because most of the questions had nothing to do with their skills needed for the job. Upshot being, he felt minorities were being discriminated against again. While as an employer of thousands and a representative of employers of millions I could question the validity of his ruling, my use of this example is to, in this period of high unemployment, ask could not our use of government money (read our money) be better spent. Some attorney, most likely using public funds (surely not his own money) had to find a judge who would listen to his prattle and regardless of the inanity of it rule against the test. When a year ago another simple minded Judge, upheld allowing those same minority firefighters who had failed tests on their knowledge of firefighting to be promoted over those who had passed the test with flying colors... all based on color, of course. Our courts are jammed with frivolous law suits, causing the judges to clamor for more judges to help with cases like this that should be thrown out at first blush. A good example of misuse of the courts is what they did in Alaska to the Governor causing the state to spend unconscionable amounts of staff time and money in attempting to deal with them. While at the same time Congress exempts itself from lawsuits (Thinking of Weiner's Weiner) saying it can police itself. You can laugh now. The only people who benefit from such foolishness are the attorneys, judges, their staffs and the incompetents who desire a job for life without preparing for it. They are the ones who should be replacing the illegal aliens who are working at jobs, making a living and sending money home.

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