Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Monday, April 18, 2011

Entitlement Mentality Killing America

I’m entitled to sit home for 92 weeks because this country owes me a job like the last one I had. It’s the country’s fault I’m out of work so let them pay me. When the pay runs out, they owe it to me to find me a job… a good job… preferably a union job or a government and union job combination… where nobody can tell me what to do.  I’m a Job Coach and when I talk to unemployed groups, many of them in churches, I ask them have you been to an employment service?  And they ask me, “don’t they charge you to get you a job?”  I say, so what if they did? How long have you been unemployed? If you could have gone to work six months ago wouldn’t it have been worth it to pay them to help you?  Do you see a Dr. when you are sick, use a realtor when selling your home, pay someone to fix your car or help you with your exercise program? So, why not pay someone, to help you find a job, especially when its pay after you get the job and then it’s guaranteed for 100 days at 1% a day? Of course those days are over, job seekers sold their soul to the company store, insisting that companies pay the tab… so who do the Employment Services represent… not you for sure, they represent the person who is paying the bill… the company.  Government placement services gave up a long time ago trying to help those on unemployment compensation get a job, they knew as soon as the UC payments stopped they would be back to work. The same goes for able to work welfare cheats.  Three to four million people get a job every month and at the end of the month there are still 20 million jobs going begging on all levels.  The thought that someone owes you a living is just about as bad as thinking someone owes you a college education.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.   Coach Bob

Able to work Welfare recipient have ya tried the “Free” Private Employment Service?

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