Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Monday, April 18, 2011

Entitlement Mentality Killing America

I’m entitled to sit home for 92 weeks because this country owes me a job like the last one I had. It’s the country’s fault I’m out of work so let them pay me. When the pay runs out, they owe it to me to find me a job… a good job… preferably a union job or a government and union job combination… where nobody can tell me what to do.  I’m a Job Coach and when I talk to unemployed groups, many of them in churches, I ask them have you been to an employment service?  And they ask me, “don’t they charge you to get you a job?”  I say, so what if they did? How long have you been unemployed? If you could have gone to work six months ago wouldn’t it have been worth it to pay them to help you?  Do you see a Dr. when you are sick, use a realtor when selling your home, pay someone to fix your car or help you with your exercise program? So, why not pay someone, to help you find a job, especially when its pay after you get the job and then it’s guaranteed for 100 days at 1% a day? Of course those days are over, job seekers sold their soul to the company store, insisting that companies pay the tab… so who do the Employment Services represent… not you for sure, they represent the person who is paying the bill… the company.  Government placement services gave up a long time ago trying to help those on unemployment compensation get a job, they knew as soon as the UC payments stopped they would be back to work. The same goes for able to work welfare cheats.  Three to four million people get a job every month and at the end of the month there are still 20 million jobs going begging on all levels.  The thought that someone owes you a living is just about as bad as thinking someone owes you a college education.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.   Coach Bob

Able to work Welfare recipient have ya tried the “Free” Private Employment Service?

Americans Won’t Do Those Jobs

What a bunch of hooey.  If you’ve been brainwashed into the malarkey that this is why we have to allow millions of illegal aliens to steal across our borders you need to think again. Less than 2% of the illegal’s are harvesting tomatoes or peaches, the rest have good jobs that are also held by millions of Americans. Stop and think… is everyone you see doing a dirty job an illegal?  Is everyone you see working in a factory cutting up chickens an illegal?  I could go on and on… but the answer will always be NO. Is every illegal working for less than the minimum wage? NO, NO, NO… many make much more, as brick masons and carpenters and managers of businesses. The reason Americans are not taking those jobs is simple, we are paying them not to work… 92 weeks of unemployment compensation or a lifetime of welfare…wake up!                        Robert O. Snelling, Sr.,   Coach Bob

Are you unemployed?   Why?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Those of you who have really done an all out job search know that there are plenty of good jobs out there. When you contact your network, research several job web sites, visit many employment services, list with many recruiters and utilize many other avenues… you are getting calls.  The indication is that there are over 4 million jobs advertised at any given time, which means there are between 15 & 20 million openings since companies only advertise 20% .  In the next 30 days 3 ½ to 4 million people will get a job. If you are not among them, then in face of these stats, one would have to conclude that you are turning down jobs or not really looking until your unemployment compensation runs out.  Robert O. Snelling, Sr. Job Coach

If you are employed or found employment in the last year or two, how do you feel about this?  If unemployed – what’s your problem?

We keep having to ask clients “So What” when they tell us what they did for their employer. i.e. “Negotiated contracts with vendors”  Our questions start with, “what kind of vendors?” and then quickly go to “So What” did you save money, improve time of delivery?  What was the cash volume of the service or product?  Figures  lend an air of authenticity to a resume… not too many or too few. They are something the reader can wrap their mind around rather than vague generalities. Some say they never looked at their job in that manner… it’s time we all did… are we making or saving our company money and do they know it? 

Why does your employer keep you on and what value do you bring to the table?

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.  Job Coach

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

“Everybody has to have meaningful employment”

This was the slogan of LBJ  (President, Lyndon Baines Johnson) as he stole all the money in the Social Security kitty and spent it on his version of the great society.  Nobody but me was asking, what does “meaningful employment” mean? To some it was gas & date money while in school, to others it paid the bills for a family of four. Keeping the sewers working would not have been a meaningful job to a person on the 40th floor of a high priced Manhattan Apartment, that is until they could not flush their toilet. The blind do-gooders think everyone should have a nice job like they do working for the government and sitting at a desk… with no responsibilities but to tell others what to do. What do you think "meaningful employment" means?
Robert O. Snelling, Sr.  Job Coach