Robert O. Snelling, Sr.

Robert O. Snelling, Sr.
#1 Job Search Coach in USA

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Everybody should have the right to a college education

 This is the cry of our President, B.O. in an effort to garner more votes. It is reminiscent of the wailing of the lone star President LBJ who was won’t to say, “everybody’s got to have meaningful employment!”  What the blue blazes does that mean? There are a lot of people who do not consider putting the bricks back in the sewers of NYC a meaningful job, but there are those who do it every day. What is so sacrosanct about a college degree? There are plumbers and carpenters and pipe fitters and firemen who make a lot more than most college grads.  Who is going to pave our roads, college grads? Who will repair our bridges and buildings, college grads? Fix our cars, refrigerators, type our correspondence, prepare our bills, flip our burgers and make our pizzas?  Instead of giving college tuition, what about a voucher that could be spent learning how to be an electrician or airplane mechanic or go to college. Some people are not cut out for college, the drop-out rate is tremendous. And what is wrong with people earning their higher education… work a year… then go to school, then work another year and go to school. By the way, people do this every day in the good old USA.
The cost of a college education is way out of line… and you can blame that on the professors unions (yep, they don’t call it that, but Tenure is a union ploy to keep up the pay & other costs and keep down the quality). The sales of text books alone is travesty made to a captive audience at prices that defy all rationality. B.O. wants as many young minds in those college seats as possible so the left leaning, liberal, anti-business mainly atheistic professors can brain wash them into accepting a socialistic society and government.  Take a look at this article and $30 billion spent by the Federal Government to send people to college.


  1. I read in a news article the national debt of student loans is higher than the credit card debt. I did not research this to see how accurate that is, but I will say if it were, it would not suprise me. How many people get a degree and then a manager posisition fresh out of school? Does this make them more qualifited then the person that bust his or her butt and doesn't get put incharge of more because they don't have a degree? What happened to you do good with this amount of resonsibilty, lets try this amount? Now, to get promoted it's all a game, you do have to kiss ass in most situations, you do have to have a degree however, you do not have to a hard worker in most cases. I know many people who can get through school no problem, but are horrible workers. But this is the measure now. Not to mention theres a lot of people with degrees worker at wal-mart and target on the sales floor making 8 bucks an hour. So whats this mean? It means degrees aren't cutting it anymore, not bach degrees anyways, so whats the next thing? More money to get a masters? Its ridiculous, the way things used to be were way better in my opinion. Work hard, get a head. But just becuase you study something that pretains to a job and you finished that class, that doesn't make you a hard worker in real life. That doesn't mean you should be incharge of a lot when you've never been in charge of a little. What about school? How about all the classes that don't pretain to the degree? I'm convinced it's a money scam, keep them there so they have to spend this much more money, if we can keep them here for 4 years on something that should take 18 months, we'd make a boat load extra right? It'll come crashing down in my opinion. Americans...we're self destructive in our selfishness.

  2. Excellent post Bob. My sentiments exactly. The cost of education has skyrocketed, yet degrees are worth less (even though you must have them to get your foot in the door in many situations) & give a false sense of "job guarantee" to the recipients. When the govt. is making sure that everyone can get loans to get degrees, they become worth less while the people profiting from this are universities, textbook publishers & of course, the banks making the loans. My dad never finished his degree. He couldn't afford it since he had a young family. But he built his own business, got himself out of debt, bought small rental properties as he could afford them, etc. and built a business that supported his family well. Most of what he practiced isn't taught in college.
